Dedication 2021
An Act of Love by AMSA-UGM for Nusa Tenggara Timur
Written by Wilson Khoesnadi
Dedication was initiated as a humble project, with the sole purpose of making a community of pediatric cancer patients smile. There is beauty in its simplicity, which we were eager to recreate in the tenure of 2020/2021. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, posed an incessant obstacle towards this project, but as luck would have it, it also gave Dedication the opportunity to evolve into something much greater.
A collaboration with Solar Chapter and MNC Peduli became the saving grace for Dedication 2021. With Solar Chapter bridging AMSA-UGM to the people of Desa Fatoin in Nusa Tenggara Timur, we were given the opportunity to give back to the community on a much larger scale than ever before. Desa Fatoin is a village that is in dire need of stunting countermeasures and better health education (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat/ PHBS). In our effort to help them begin their journey towards achieving that, this project that was once only for Delegation members, now involved members from Social Environment and Finance and Partnership. This trilateral collaboration managed to provide three things for Desa Fatoin:
203 copies of PHBS books titled “Yuk, ke Tempat Rahasiaku”,
203 copies of Nutrition books titled “Makan Sehat Bersama Jongga & Sobe”, and
200 lunch box sets with the “Isi Piringku” guide from the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

Nonetheless, writing, designing, and printing 406 trilingual and personalized books was still not an easy feat despite the collaboration between divisions. A large amount of funding was required to make it all happen, hence the initiation of Dedication 2021’s Buy 1 Give 1 Booksale Program and KitaBisa Campaign. In addition, MNC Peduli graciously offered to be a partner for Dedication 2021, aiding in the printing of all 406 copies of the books that were donated to Desa Fatoin. It is with their support that Dedication 2021 was able to be as impactful as it was.
Chosen as one of the 10 Inspirational Campaigns on KitaBisa.com, Dedication 2021 was surely a passion project with a theme of hope and inspiration. Our passion in helping Desa Fatoin gave us the inspiration and drive to achieve what had never been done by AMSA-UGM before, and we wanted to share that inspiration with more people. In order to realize that, we opened a volunteering program from 26-31 May where over 260 volunteers participated in our air campaign which aimed to raise awareness about the conditions of Desa Fatoin and the overall situation of stunting and lack of health education in Indonesia.
Subsequently, in an attempt to inspire more of Indonesia’s youth, Dedication 2021 also hosted a spectacular charity talk show on July 16th, 2021. Our talk show titled "Inspiration Through Passion: A Talk Show with Inspirational People" became one of the highlights of this tenure's Dedication program. Hosting renowned public figures such as Stephanie Dish, Jovial da Lopez, and Andovi da Lopez, this talk show is easily one of AMSA-UGM's most ambitious events yet. As a charity talk show, it attracted as many as 1000 registrants in less than 24 hours, clearly surpassing every webinar and talk show previously held by AMSA-UGM. This milestone is no doubt due to the hard work of Dedication's organizing committee who aimed high and achieved it flawlessly.

Throughout November to December 2021, all 406 books and 200 lunch box sets were successfully shipped to Desa Fatoin. It is safe to say that Dedication 2021 has rightfully claimed its place as one of AMSA-UGM’s biggest and most successful projects yet. With that being said, congratulations are in order for Febiola Kristina (Delegation 20/21) and Yovita Diandra (Social Environment 20/21), who took on the role of Project Officer and Vice Project Officer for this project, as well as Annette C. Keiko for initiating the collaboration with Solar Chapter, and of course the whole organizing and supervising committee whose contributions were crucial in the making of this project. Our appreciation also goes to our partner, MNC Peduli, for aiding this project by graciously printing all 406 copies of the books that were donated to Desa Fatoin and for all other forms of support that were given. This project would not have been the tremendous success it is without the help of MNC Peduli, their generous chairperson, Ibu Jessica Tanoesoedibjo, and their helpful staff. Last but not least, our appreciation also goes out to our partner, Solar Chapter, for the ceaseless support towards Dedication 2021. All in all, it has been an honor to be a part of such a beautiful and impactful project from its conception to its glorious completion. May all of the hard work that has been put into this become a blessing to all parties involved.
“There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.”
- Khalil Gibran
Viva AMSA!